Security Assessments...

Security fears have recently moved to the top of every business' concern. Everyone feels that they need to do something, but are unsure of what steps should take. For example: How do you ensure your security with the current generation mobile and remote workers?


There are many security solutions generally available, what is the right one for your needs? NetworkingPS will help you determine the correct level of security for your business and ensure that it remains current.




  • Security Assessment - provides a review of your current Security Policies and procedures. A report is generated detailing existing vulnerabilities with recommendations on how to close these holes.

  • Policy Design & Deployment - NetworkingPS works with you to determine the correct level of security required by your company. We then create a Security Policy based on your business requirements and work with your management to ensure that the policy is correctly implemented. This policy may include may require the installation of additional Hardware / Software.

  • HW / SW Installation - provides for the turn-key installation of any hardware or software that maybe required to secure your business. This service includes training of your personnel in the maintenance of this HW / SW.

  • Continuous Assessment - ensures that your Security Policy remains current. NetworkingPS will assess if your current policies are being followed and whether your systems are at the most current release levels.

  • Ethical Hacking - provides the ultimate guarantee of safety. NetworkingPS will utilize its resources actively try and penetrate your security. Any breach found will be documented with a recommendation on how to lessen exposure.


Stop wondering if your company's assets are safe. Ensure that they are by maintaining the appropriate security plan.